

Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate Web of Science:

  1. A.A. Minea, E.I. Chereches, Experimental studies on thermal conductivity and heat transfer of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid and its nanocolloids, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Acceptat spre publicare 12.03.2024, IF = 7 (Q1).


Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate Web of Science:

  1. E.I. Cherecheș, N. Cojocariu, A.A. Minea, Overview of nanoparticles enhanced with thermal oils for heat transfer applications, Journal ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, ISSN 1221 – 5872 (Lucrare în extenso de la Conferința IManEE 2023 acceptată spre publicare WoS).
  2. E.I. Chereches, D. Bejan, A.A. Minea, Experimental on viscosity and isobaric heat capacity of [C4mim][BF4] ionic liquid with MWCNT nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 391 (2023) 123214, 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.123214, IF = 6.633 (Q1).
  3. E.I. Chereches, D. Bejan, C. Ibanescu, M. Danu, A.A. Minea, Experimental investigation of isobaric heat capacity and viscosity for suspensions of alumina nanoparticles in [C4mim][BF4] ionic liquid, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148 (2023) 8879-8888, 10.1007/s10973-023-12309-8, IF = 4.755 (Q1).
  4. E.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Experimental study on electrical conductivity of several [C4mim][BF4] ionic liquid based nanocolloids, Nanomaterials, 13(7) (2023) 1224, 10.3390/nano13071224, IF = 5.719 (Q1).
  5. E.I. Cherecheş, C. Ibanescu, M. Danu, A.A. Minea, Studies on rheological properties and isobaric heat capacity of ZnO – [C4mim][BF4] nanoparticle enhanced ionic liquid, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 380 (2023) 121759, 10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121759, IF = 6.633 (Q1).

Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe internaționale:

  1. E.I. Chereches, M.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Studies on the viscosity of nanoparticle enhanced fluids for heat transfer applications, EmergeMAT, 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN MATERIALS ENGINEERING, 9-10 November 2023, Bucharest, Romania, https://imnr.ro/wp/en/6th-international-conference-emergemat/, (poster presentation).
  2. E.I. Chereches, M.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Electrical conductivity studies on ionic liquids enhanced with nanoparticles, The 22th International Conference Tehnomus – New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies, 10 – 11 November 2023, Suceava, Romania, http://www.tehnomus.usv.ro/, (oral presentation).
  3. E.I. Cherecheș, N. Cojocariu, A.A. Minea, Overview of nanoparticles enhanced with thermal oils for heat transfer applications, IManEE 2023: 27th edition of Innovative Manufacturing Engineering & Energy International Conference, 12-14 October 2023, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, https://imane.utm.md/, (oral presentation).
  4. E.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, A comparison on two ionic liquid based nanofluids heat transfer behaviour, 5th International Conference on Structural Nano Composites, NANOSTRUC 2023, Novel Materials for Future, 24-26 May 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus, https://nanostruc.info/registration/, (poster presentation).
  5. E.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, D. Bejan, Studies on 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid and its nanocolloids behavior in heating operations: experimental approach, 26th International Conference of Innovative Research, 11-12 May 2023, Iasi, Romania, http://www.euroinvent.org/conference/, (poster presentation).


Lucrări publicate în reviste cotate Web of Science:

  1. A.A. Minea, E.I. Chereches, State of the art on the development of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ionic liquid and its nanocolloids, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 368 (2022) 120691, 10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120691, IF = 6.633 (Q1).
  2. M. Chereches, D. Bejan, E.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Experimental and analytical investigation of the convective heat transfer potential of PEG 400 based nanocolloids with Al2O3 and ZnO nanoparticles, Heat and Mass Transfer, 59 (2022) 875-890, 10.1007/s00231-022-03305-z, IF = 2.325 (Q3).
  3. E.I. Chereches, M.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Experimental results on specific heat capacity of MWCNT nanoenhanced PEG fluid, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS SERIES-APPLIED MATHEMATICS MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, 65 (4) (2022) 1059-1064, IF = 0.3 (Q4). (Lucrare în extenso de la Conferința IManEE 2022)

Lucrări publicate în reviste indexate în diferite baze de date:

  1. E.I. Cherecheş, M.I. Cherecheş, L. Zupcu, A.A. Minea, CFD ANALYSIS OF PEG 400 BASED NANOFLUIDS, International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ISSN 2067–3604, Vol. XIV, No. 3/2022, https://doi.org/ 10.54684/ijmmt.2022.14.3.31. (Lucrare în extenso de la Conferința ModTech 2022)

Lucrări prezentate la conferinţe internaționale:

  1. E.I. Chereches, M. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Experimental results on specific heat capacity of mwcnt nanoenhanced peg fluid, IManEE 2022: 26th International Conference of Innovative Manufacturing Engineering & Energy, 17-19 November 2022, Iasi, Romania. https://imane.ro/, (oral presentation).
  2. E.I. Chereches, M. Chereches, L. Zupcu, A.A. Minea, CFD analysis of peg 400 based nanofluids, ModTech2022 International Conference, 22-25 June 2022, Eforie Nord, Romania. https://modtech.ro/, (oral presentation).
  3. E.I. Chereches, A.A. Minea, Overview of drawbacks and benefits of ionic liquid 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate behaviour at heat transfer, 5th International Conference of the Doctoral School, ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, 18-20 May 2022, Iasi, Romania. https://conferinta-csd.tuiasi.ro/, (oral presentation).